Bridging X 2017
Category: Nature art. Material: Found natural materials (straw from different grass) Place: Japanese gardens and a mountain bridge – 40×40 cm – 3×8 m. Location: Japan Tsukuba and Tsukunba Internationall Art…
Category: Nature art. Material: Found natural materials (straw from different grass) Place: Japanese gardens and a mountain bridge – 40×40 cm – 3×8 m. Location: Japan Tsukuba and Tsukunba Internationall Art…
Category: Nature art installation with sound composition. Material: Found natural materials in a beech forest and white chalk + black colour pigment. Place: Size of…
Category: Site specific art. Place: Bluff beach, Durban South Africa. What you see in the background is an old industrial building used for whale hunting industry. The station shut down in the 70th. The site made me think of white as in witness of bones and made…
M as in Marie – were will the road take Marie Gayatri this year?! In June and July Marie Gayatri is invited to ID Green Gallery Project in South Africa for an Art residency program. ( Together with composer Mikael Bojén Marie Gayatri will create an audiovisual…
500 -1700 spices are NOW being extinced from planet Earth every year – it´s called raising extinction. We are facing a world where changes have become a challenge everyone has to cope with as we now…
During a three weeks period GNAP SA 2016 I travled all over South Africa to meet up with the community around Site Specific_landart, as well as connecting with new networks. It ment a constant adoption to new situations…
Place: Porcupine Hills – Overberg, South Africa 2016. Material: Indigenous and introduces plants in South Africa. Category: Nature Art Installation. Title: You do not belong here – No1. Eucalyptus trees as well as Wattle are both vegetations that originayl does not belong to the South African fauna. Many people wish them gone…
Place: Langerbann,…
Place: DUPPINI Art Group, Gabrovtsi, Bulgaria. Material: Trabant (car), willow, shoes and 2 pair of ski. Category: Nature art Installation. Titel: Luggage for a daydreamerLuggage for a daydreamer is about human conditions and a tendency to escape…
Place: Secret location. Material: Rice, costume, ruins and trees. Category: Performed Photography. With a limited touch I scratch on the surface, searching for a brighter spot Like a hand filled with rice is waiting to be used I keep on knocking at the hardest of stones